About me
I am an interdisciplinary artist living and working in New England, working predominantly with soft sculpture.
I am chronically ill. I am also a care-giver for my partner who suffers from chronic pain caused by a degenerative condition. With my work I explore how we comfort ourselves and one another through creating objects of beauty and comfort, and search for ways to bring light to an otherwise difficult circumstance. I use craft-based techniques to create objects indicative of domestic spaces, like rug making and sewing, and commonly found objects within medical spaces and chronically ill lives. Visual representations within my work bounce between the inner workings of my mind and my experiences, and the familiar objects and symbols that are part of the medical discourse, creating a window into the world of chronic illness and providing a safe environment that encourages empathy, awareness and understanding. I use pattern and color to mirror memories of pediatric medical spaces and the monotony of being confined within a bedroom, simultaneously creating a bridge between the perseverance it requires to create a comfortable, healthy environment and body, and how we discover beauty, joy, and humor in the spaces around us.